Homeschooling with Essential Oils

Homeschooling with Essential Oils

Thinking of homeschooling?  It’s on the minds of many families these days.  Maybe it’s the direction you’ve been called to, or possibly the current times have led you to making that choice for your family.  Whatever the reason, having the right kind of support and tools will go a long way in creating an environment where learning can happen, and children can grow.  

Can Essential Oils Help with Homeschooling?

Essential oils can be a vital part of your game plan to make your homeschool a happy one.  We all know how amazing they work for the body, mind, and emotions, all of which come into play during the school day, for both you and your student.  And not only that, if your student is in high school, you might consider creating a course on essential oils, for which they can receive credit!  That’s science, baby!!  

Specific Needs That Can Be Met Using Essential Oils:

While it may take a while to discover what works best with everyone’s body chemistry, the possibilities are abundant.  Here’s a starting point for diffusing and using topically, along with a roller recipe.

For Mental Focus:  GeneYus, Peppermint, Brain Power, Clarity, Frankincense, 


For Energy:  Peppermint, Lemon, Citrus Fresh

For Calm:  Peace & Calming, Vetiver, Lavender

For Stress:  Stress Away, Frankincense

For Courage & Self-Esteem:  Valor, Harmony, Joy

For Immune Support:  Thieves, Lemon

Focus Roller

15 drops Cedarwood

15 drops Lavender

15 drops Vetiver

1 T carrier oil     

NingXia Red for the Whole Family
In addition to the oils, one of the most beneficial, full-body support supplements you could ever hope for is Ningxia Red.  Mamas, YOU need this one, and so does your family.  It is just that good, to energize, fortify, and revitalize you. Beyond all this, there is a host of targeted nutritional supplements that Young Living has designed just for children.

So, if you find yourself in that special season of homeschooling, be blessed.  As one who now looks back on it all, that time to invest and bond and grow with my children was a gift I cherish.  Truly.  Look into the eyes of that child, and marvel, because you are beholding a sacred trust from the LORD.  

~Melissa Scott


Believer, Wife, mom to 5, grandma to 2, veteran homeschooler, 

Lover of freedom, truth, and all the oils.